2023/24 Individual Artist Grant
Nature is for Everyone, Art is for Everyone
I am so excited to share my latest project with you! My project is all about the green spaces in and around San Antonio. Parks are one of the last free spaces we have to enjoy. I am creating a series of landscapes inspired by the beautiful nature we have right here in the city, from the largest parks like Friedrich Wilderness; to the pocket parks in the heart of the city. Check out my blog to see what I'm currently working on!
The Inspiration
These green spaces encourage us to spend time outside, together. They are where we have our kid's birthdays and our easter cookouts. We walk our dogs, swim in the springs, exercise, and rest. When I am in nature, I have hope that the world is still beautiful, and so are the humans that occupy it.
The Vision
I teach art to children. That's my day job. If my students walk away with anything, I hope it is that art is for them. They deserve to create, appreciate, understand, end enjoy art. Art is, as said by Lady Bird Johnson, "the window to a man's soul." So the second part of my project is that I want to create an exhibition that anyone can walk into and connect with. I want you to walk into the gallery and feel like you belong there, that this art is made for you.
This art is for you.